Free contemplative prayer workshop
Centering Prayer Essentials:
Foundations for Beginners & Practitioners
Opening to Interior Silence
We'll Explore
• Opening to God and peace within• Silence as the universal language of God• How to practice Centering Prayer meditation• Mystical union with God and why it matters
Presented by Marybeth Redmond. Marybeth Redmond is an ordained interfaith/interspiritual minister and a certified spiritual director/companion. She has been a practitioner of Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, yoga, and the Christian contemplative wisdom path for many years. Marybeth’s Catholic formation, along with her deep study of the Christian mystics, led her to embrace interspirituality as an emerging path for seekers with diverse and multiple religious or spiritual backgrounds, as well as the spiritually independent. She is a longtime journalist with a deep commitment to advocacy and systemic change for justice-involved women and New Americans in Vermont.
January 8th (Wednesday)
6:30pm - 8:00pm ET
3:30pm - 5:00pm PT
Join on Zoom
No cost: Gift
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Check your inbox for an email for more details about the event!- Keith, Closer Than Breath